Photo by Hayden Cown
Cassidy Barker was born and raised in Lawrenceville, Georgia. She studied at Appalachian State University on a soccer scholarship, but retired from the sport and graduated from the University of Georgia.
She has been in the service industry her entire life working mostly as a bartender, which is her current position in Atlanta as she pens books. Barker has one novel being published and is at work on the next. Her début novel is entitled Spoonlicker.

Spoonlicker is Barker’s début novel about one man’s deranged desire to form a familial relationship with a serial killer in Atlanta, Georgia. When Lanny Pape convinces Warren Worth to take him on as an apprentice of sorts, the two continue Worth’s killing spree throughout Georgia. Worth believes that he is the one who must implement natural selection in the modern world.
When Lanny’s sister comes back into his life in such a confounding way, she stops at nothing to break up his alliance with Worth.
Who decides what’s right and wrong? In a story that lacks any clear protagonist, the lines are blurred in determining the origin of multiple betrayals and it is left to the reader’s final judgment, much like the proverbial debate of whether the chicken or egg came first.
SPOONLICKER is published by Cactus Moon Publications, LLC.